Ever met a fieldworker
studying animal behavior? Ever asked about the awareness
or character of his object of study? Listened to them
stammering? Don't worry. Journalists get this: 'I'd rather
not say anything about that'. Or: 'don't quote my name
with that'.
Ethology, the research into animal behavior, is afflicted
with dualism. On the one hand there are the fieldworkers,
who observe animals in their natural surroundings. On
the other hand there are laboratory researchers, who solely
observe captured animals under strict circumstances.
Even a child can understand that such different approaches
will yield different research results. Animals behave
differently when they are free than in captivity. But
the breach lies not in the research method alone. Even
the research goals are dual.
Laboratory research is usually aimed at discovering
collective behavioral mechanisms of the stimulus-response
type. Researchers assume behaviorist preconditions.
They prepare a sharply outlined situation and monitor
the reactions of an animal or a group of animals. The
question is a matter of yes or no. Will the animal become
aggressive under these conditions? Will the animal succeed
in finding its food? Physiological measurements, hormone
levels and blood pressure complete the picture.
Field researchers have a different approach. They observe
an animal species over longer periods of time before
formulating a research objective. The question is usually
phrased in more than one part, and the answers that
are found are also multi-dimensional. Often these registered
behaviors raise numerous new questions, and outcomes
are less definite than those in laboratories.
In ethological branch literature the 'hard', quantified
and conditioned research type predominates. The animal
is like a machine and people want to understand how
it works. Field researchers who want to see their work
published have to conform to this. They have to describe
their observations mechanistically and quantify them
in detail. This article appeared in magazine "Intermediair"
on 24th February 2000
By Carien Overdijk, journalist Researchers who study animals as individuals hardly
have a vote in ethology. Psychology is reserved for
the human species, and whoever wants to find personality-bound
thoughts or feelings in animals has no place in science.
Leading ethologists give a simple reason for this rejection.
Man has no way of knowing what goes on in an animal's
mind, because animals can't talk about it. If you do
try to describe something about the inner animal, you
are guilty of a mortal sin called anthropomorphism,
which is the projection of human properties on animals.
Ouch! That's where the ethological shoe pinches the
most painfully. Ethologists pretend to research animals,
but in reality their research is about just one sub-species:
man. Behind every ethological survey there are two existential
questions. Number one: in what way do animals differ
from humans? And number two: in what way do humans function
like animals? Humanity has been wanting to know these
two things for a very long time, and the underlying
hypothesis is obvious. People- despite their animal
urges - are worth more than animals.
Man wants to dispose of his own urges as bothersome
but obstinate leftovers of evolution. This can help
him determine human superiority. Besides moral interests,
there are also large economical interests at stake.
Both factory farming and biotechnology flourish on the
speculation that animals are consumer articles. Laboratory
animals - and in the not too far future also source
animals, suppliers of cells and organs - will become
even more searched after than they are now. Cardiologists,
internists and their patients understandably are not
eager to hear that every pig has a unique, thinking
personality like they do themselves.
Ever since Darwin, the division between man and animal
has become a "Sperrgebiet". For centuries
western man has imagined himself to be a unique creature
that inherited the earth from a Supreme Being. The Bible
has made this into a dogma. This is how man proved his
claim to the supervisory of nature and the unlimited
use of animals. When Darwin confronted humanity with
their animal offspring a century and a half ago, all
hell broke loose. Since then man has been trying to
prove his uniqueness by traits and abilities that only
he is supposed to possess.
It's ironic that precisely this so-called non-scientific
fieldwork is proving the opposite time and again. Especially
the work of Jane Goodall, who has been making biographies
of the famous Gombe chimpanzee-colony in Tanzania for
forty years, has been groundbreaking. Man is the only
one to use tools? Fool others? Laugh? Make war on members
of the same species? Goodall showed that the Gombe chimpanzees
do all those things. And following this there are new
revolutionary discoveries with other apes, monkeys,
birds, dolphins and elephants.
Time and again, man has to redefine his own sub-species,
and time and again animals are spoilsports. Humans are
supposed to be different because they're the only ones
who have culture, language, and arithmetical abilities.
Not so. While ethologists until late in the seventies
tried with all of their might to attach the word protoculture to recently discovered cultural expressions of animals
(washing food, burying their dead), chimpanzees proved
that not only can they add and subtract, they also have
their own language and can even learn other languages.
Speaking is impossible for monkeys due to the construction
of their larynx, but the captive chimp Washoe was so
adept at human sign language that she taught it to her
own children. Recently we discovered that even varying
species such as elephants, dolphins, cows and chickens
use their own language. As far as fieldworkers are now
able to determine, these languages comprise several
dozens of different sounds.
The difference between people and animals - from human
coordinates - are at most gradual. Animals have intellectual
capabilities as well, even though they score low on
human cognitive ability tests. Many ethologists are
inclined to portrait animals as retarded fellow creatures,
but this is another error in thinking. It's the same
error of thinking that says that black people are of
a less intelligent race. If you make your own abilities
the norm, you leave all others out of the equation.
Western intellectuals who think
they have overcome this politically charged morality,
do not realize that they have redefined 'your own people'.
Humankind for a long time has been one world-people, that
mainly competes with other animal species. It must try
to survive with an ever-growing population in a shrinking
natural environment. Despite nationalistic tendencies
this people is becoming ever more strongly socially entangled.
When it can save members of its species with genetically
manipulated cow's milk or sterilely reared pigs, the decision
between animal and human welfare is not a hard one to make.
This argument seems a lot more crude than the moral assumption
that humans are worth more than animals. But if you look
at the facts you see a comparison of values that are based
on unscientific viewpoints. Earlier it was the Bible that
legitimized human supremacy over animals, now it's a distortion
of the theory of evolution. The 'intrinsic
value' of animals which is always quoted in legal
texts remains an enigma as long as most ethologists view
the world through their heavily condensed evolutionary
glasses. It's precisely this 'intrinsic value' that the
government thinks should put a stop to unlimited (laboratory) animal use.
Resistance is weak. Animal protectors and action groups
have very little influence on science or politics.
Every pet owner turns weak when the unique personality
of the apple of his own eye is the subject of discussion,
but animal platforms are not succeeding in fundamentally
changing the scientific views on animals. The Leiden
professor in bio-ethics Ignaas Spruit, who started the
interest group Pro Primates ten years ago, is becoming
desperate. 'Science is a closed bulwark. Most researchers
find it much too convenient to view animals purely reductionistically'.