
Consciousness in animals

Animals are simply amazing. A pure example of divine expression, with their great variety in shapes and sizes, colors, scents and even tastes. They are miraculous. Every species has their own distinct way to survive, their own habits and challenges and their own role in the process of evolution.
Animals are simply amazing. A pure example of divine expression, with their great variety in shapes and sizes, colors, scents and even tastes. They are miraculous. Every species has their own distinct way to survive, their own habits and challenges and their own role in the process of evolution.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of an animal and have you seen the power and consciousness they have? Profundity, tenderness, power and beauty. Their expression shows they have mysterious powers of observation. They are powerful creatures that evoke waves of different intense emotions.
They are our brothers, they too are children of the earth and the sun. Their clothing differs from ours, as does their way of communicating. Their purpose and mission on this earth are different from ours as well. Yet they are sensitive creatures, as are we. Their bodies function in the same way and have the same needs. They are born, grow up, reproduce and die. They experience good times and bad times like we do.
From the beginning of time they have been of service to us. With their body they fed us, protected us and gave us shelter. They allowed us to move faster and transport goods. Only with their help were we able to till the soil, to bring in the harvest and transport goods. With their aid we could heal our own bodies and ease the pain of loneliness.
We as humans have come to believe that we are superior to animals. That they are at our disposal and that we are allowed to abuse them and can take out our own frustrations and shortcomings on them.
We are caught in an ego-trip because we have been able to create great riches for ourselves. We are proud of our intellectual capacities, our abilities to raise questions and make decisions, our abilities to choose and to investigate and integrate. We are proud of our ability to think and even our instincts and believe we are better. We have, however, not yet learned that which is most important. We live our lives, stuck in the past and worrying about the future. We want to pretend that we are better than we actually are and are filled with fear.
The animals live in the present. They live and feel and surrender to themselves completely and to what they are at heart. They accept themselves as they are. An otter usually does not feel the desire to be an eagle.
We still have so much to learn from animals; the power of instinct and intuition, living in the moment, accepting of whatever presents itself. We need to learn to adapt to change, to move smoothly with the cycles and rhythms in nature, while simultaneously developing our own talents and abilities.
And we still need to do so much for the animals. We have to create a general awareness, a consciousness. There are so many dogs and cats and other animals that are left to fend for themselves, abused, neglected, tortured, slaughtered en being made extinct.
The realization is infectious like a smile. In upbringing and education it is the example of what we are that counts. Words don't matter. We have to show it to our children, neighbors, parents, friends and especially strangers.
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

logoThis page describes one aspect of the influence that man has on the quality of life of an animal. We wish to promote the (in other countries as well) growing of awareness, that freedom is also important for an animal. An animal is not a thing, but a being that has the right to quality of a natural way of life. If you want to do something to help animals, click here for our suggestions.

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