Pro: Bullfighting forms part of a culture, it is a centuries-old tradition. It is the last remnant of an age-old, non-western culture. Banning this tradition would show disrespect for the non-western element within the Spanish culture. |
Contra: All western and non-western cultures contain both positive and destructive traditions. The length of a tradition is no argument for the moral standard. |
In the period leading up to the fight, the bull is treated much better than a bull that is bred for slaughter in factory farming. |
This is true, but it forms no argument in defence of bullfighting. The fact that even crueller situations exist does not make a particular situation less cruel. |
A bullfight is a sign of respect and appreciation for the power of the animal. |
Respect and appreciation are not shown through torture. |
A bullfight is not viewed as a sport, but rather as a mixture of art, dance and according to fans as the ultimate display of masculinity. |
The fact that other aspects can be read into something, does not mean that the aspect of cruelty becomes less cruel. |
A bullfight leads to a healing, collective unleashing of negative feelings and agression. |
There are less damaging alternatives (such as sports) for such an unleashing, which have nothing to do with suffering in animals. |
Bullfights have a religious dimension of the battle between good and evil, whereby the bull signifies evil. |
Religious celebrations do not grant the freedom to reduce animals to the status of a symbol. |
God created fighting bulls for the purpose of fighting in an arena with a mataor and to die in that manner. |
It would be quite pretentious to put words in God's mouth about the purpose of animals. |
The special fighting bulls (toros bravos) are bred purely for their prowess in the arena. Abolition of bullfighting would mean extinction of this unique breed of animal. |
Animals gain in no way whatsoever if preservation of their breed means that they themselves would be subjected to terrible suffering. |
Bullfights form an important part of the Spanish tourist industry. |
Many tourists go to a bullfight purely out of curiosity and are mostly upset by what they see. At the end of the day, bullfights are not a good advertisement for the Spanish culture. |
Bullfights represent the essence of Spain, which is why they are called Fiesta Nacional. Protests against bullfighting must therefore arise from anti-Spanish sentiments. |
It is entirely random to identify Spain with one specific tradition. An increasing number of the Spaniards themselves is against bullfighting so that they cannot be associated with it. This argument may even be reversed: the real lover of Spain, longs for abolition of the National Disgrace as this 'festival' is known by opponents. |